5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

If any of you amateur photographers out there are anything like me, you’re always looking to up your everyday photography game! I have a pretty good camera but I don’t really know all it can do simply because I have not taken the time to get to know my camera like I should! I take tons of pictures for this blog and for SummerHouse, so I need all the help I can get!

My friend Lindsay Vallas, who is an INCREDIBLE professional photographer, kindly took time to put together a quick guide for how to take better pictures in everyday life. I love her tips and hope you find them as helpful as I did! Although I do still want to get to know my camera better, some of these tips can be implemented without having to know how to adjust your aperture! Score!

1. Read your Camera’s Manual.

Believe it or not, the best way to know what to do with your digital camera is to actually read the manual! I know this may sound so boring, and it can be, but by reading the camera’s manual you’ll learn just how much your camera is capable of. It’s shocking!

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings.

So often, I see fabulous photos and think ‘if only that garbage can, sign, parked car, light poll or distracting object wasn’t there!’ Be aware of what’s in your camera frame. Don’t be afraid to ask a person to move, or change your view to avoid something ugly in the background, it can make or break the photo.

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

3. Shoot Every Day.

Practice Makes Perfect. The best way to hone your photography skills is to Practice! Practice! Practice! Keep your camera near and shoot as much as you can, spending hours and hours behind your camera. The more you practice, the more you’ll be able to see ‘distracting objects’in your frame and will develop more of an eye for photography. Also, your technical skills will improve and you’ll begin to tell better stories with your photos.

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

4. See the Light.

Light is the main contributor to creating a great photo. Before you raise your camera, see where the light is coming from and use it to your advantage. Whether it is natural light coming from the sun, or an artificial source like a lamp; examine how can you use it to make your photos better. How is the light interacting with the scene and the subject(s)? Is it highlighting an area or casting interesting shadows? Examining the light can take an ordinary photo and make it extraordinary. Position the sun behind the subject with something like trees behind them to diffuse the light a bit. Or shoot with the light source to the side of the subject & you’ll be able to shape the light, creating more interesting photos!

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

5. Anticipate the Moment.

Be ready at all times! Moments happen in front of us all the time in the blink of an eye! Have your camera in hand & ready to shoot those moments (smiles, laughs, emotional moments). You don’t want to miss anything that creates great memories to look back on one day.

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

5 Tips For Taking Better Pictures in Everyday Life

Thank you Lindsay for all this wonderful insight! Be sure to keep up with Lindsay by following her on Instagram, liking her on Facebook, and checking out her blog!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL rest of the day! xo!

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