Hashtag Thumbs Up

Now I realize that not everyone is going to be as excited about this as I am… But…


You can now HASHTAG EMOJIS on Instagram!! I saw a tweet about it from Glamour yesterday and it heightened my interest. So when I got home (because I left my phone at home when I went to work! 9 hours of phonelessness was quite a test for me!), I updated my Insta. And the rumor turned out to be true!

You can now hashtag emojis on Instagram! // THE HIVE

One of my favorite features is… Each skin color of any certain hand motion or person is its own search term! So hashtag-white-thumbs-up is something completely separate from hashtag-racially-ambiguous-thumbs-up as far as searchability!

I’m probably going to have way too much fun with the emoji hashtags in the near future…. #sorryimnotsorry… šŸ™‚

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