I recently got the pleasure of designing a fun invitation for what ended up being a pretty awesome shower for some of our friends who are expecting a baby!
The shower was at one of my favorite restaurants in Starkville, Bin 612, and it was for guys and girls, so I knew the design had to be pretty gender neutral!
It was on a home game weekend so the atmosphere was great! Bin 612 did an amazing job on the brunch buffet, so nobody left hungry! Great food almost always makes for a great party, right?!
We are so excited to meet this new baby soon! He/she sure was celebrated in style! 😉
Love your invites! Would love for you to do some for my lil fella’s 1st birthday party!
Thanks so much Selena! Would love to chat with you about doing something for you! 🙂 Did you get my email from earlier this week?