Easter Baskets For The Littles

Easter is a month(ish) away! Time to start thinking about basket ideas for the cheerins in your life! My favorite place to get my Easter basket shopping on is at Row 10: the CUTEST baby store you will ever see. They have some really fun stuff right now, so I had a blast putting together some ideas to share with you! I supplemented with some random basics, but everything is linked below šŸ™‚ I do try to keep the candy to a minimum, and I love including things like an clothing article or two, a few fun essentials, some classic toys, books, stuffed animals, and other things that don’t have a million small pieces that I will step on in the dark.

Wilson is four (and a half, as he likes to tell people), Lily Ryan is three, and Dempsey will be five months by the time Resurrection Sunday rolls around. So these basket ideas are geared toward those ages šŸ™‚


Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

I loved that little blue wire basketĀ when I saw it at Target! And let me just go ahead and state that I am not a purist in my “everything must fit in the bastket” thoughts. I’m ok with some stackage and spillage. It looks more fun that way, anyway! šŸ™‚ Wilson is getting a tad older so I feel like he’s getting to the point where he can sit still for slightly wordier books, and can play with slightly more “frustrating” toys, like the tin top!Ā I also love these wooden cubes for all the kids, this little xylophone to bring out the interest in music he may have, and that kazoo because it’s just cute! šŸ™‚ I thought The Nice Book was so cute, thisĀ Little Golden Book About God was really sweet, and I still love the Children’s Storybook Bible Wilson got several years ago. Our seminary friends tell us it’s the most accurate children’s Bible, so that’s a plus. And I actually learn a ton from it that I don’t pick up on when reading my grown up Bible! For example, did you know that God shut the door to the ark after Noah and all the animals loaded up? I found that out while reading to Wilson one night! I had never paid attention to how the ark door got shut, so now I know! šŸ˜‰

Fun boyish socks (only available in Row 10’s shop, not online) and a cute check shirt are good for everyday wear. I also looooved this blue set for spring and summer! And the material is amazing. OH! And that dinosaur blanket in the background is incredibly soft. And my kids love them some blankets. Wilson also loves him some dinos. So this blanket has his name all over it!

The cute paper carrots come in several colors and they each contain a joke, two temporary tattoos, and a little fuzzy chickadee!

As far as edible (or chewable) stuff, I love this Project 7 gum because it’s a company that gives back. Butterfinger eggs are where it’s at. And I thought this Bunny Bait Trail Mix was cute. I tried it and it’s pretty good!

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Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.comBaby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

I got Lily Ry the same basket, only inĀ pink.I just love it! I probably had the most fun with her basket because I just have way too much fun shopping for girls! Again, I’m trying to keep the larger ticket items super practical, and these PONS shoes totally fit that bill! Lil had some PONS shoes last year and she wore them every. single. day. until it got cold. These shoes are so comfortable and so well made! Love them and will continue buying them! And bonus: she can put them on without any help! Win for everyone!

I really like this Hide and Sneak book because it’s simple yet pretty thought-provoking for a toddler. I see us having lots of fun with this one! That beautiful floral blanket in the background is the same brand as the dino blanket I mentioned for Wilson. Isn’t it gorgeous? And how sweet is this little leather mouse necklace? And this flamingo tee? And these pastel pom pom hairbands? So much fun girly stuff! That sweet little stuffed mouse is available in store only at Row 10.

No little girl’s easter basket could be complete this year without some Happy Hive Galexie Glister! 20% of each sale goes to help Batson Children’s Hospital. (Backstory here!) This is a limited edition glitter that is so fun and pretty and every girl needs some (no matter what your age is!) It would look extra gorgeous with this yellow dress.Ā And this bow headband! And this bow barrette!! Loving all those sunny hues šŸ™‚

Lily Ryan is super into having painted nails, so I bought her her very own color of Essie. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it with my polish so we don’t end up with pink spills all over the house… Fingers crossed…

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Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Easter Basket Ideas // www.thehiveblog.com

Again, we’re going with the sameĀ blue wire basket!Ā When it comes to baby Easter baskets, I’m definitely all about essentials and things that will help him learn or be useful in motor skill development. I included some wipes here, and will honestly probably put some diapers with his stuff, too! I love Row 10’s beaded paci clips because the beads are safe to chew on, and we use these every day when going to school, so having another in the mix will surely be helpful! I love the line of dishes and utensils they’re carrying now, too! Dempsey just started on jar food last week so we are flying through some spoons.

The little stuffed mouse (available only in-store), the finger puppets, the tiny wooden rainbow,Ā and this pop-up book will be great for play time with our little Bean! I particularly love the finger puppets because of the colors and all the little voices and sounds we can make when playing with them! Making silly sounds and faces is actually super important for us when interacting with Dempsey since he can’t hear. It helps him pick up on so much that we hearing people take for granted. You know I love an excuse to be extra goofy šŸ˜‰

I adore this little bicycle outfit. And footed PJs are always useful! There are way too many fun clothing items for newborns in Row 10. Really, for ALL children!! Ah it’s too much cuteness!

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To highlight the real reason we even celebrate Easter (which is Jesus!), Price and I came up with a little game to play with Wilson and Lily Ryan! We did it last year and Wilson had fun with it but Lil was still a tad too young. This year is her year, I’m feeling it! Anyway, you can print out this printable sheet, which has the Easter story simplified down into 12 events. All you do is cut apart the 12 events, then put one in each of 12 eggs (maybe with a little bit of candy!), and once all 12 strips have been opened on Easter morning, get the kids to put the story in order! Our kids will definitely need help, but it’s a great way to talk through the story together as a family šŸ™‚

Thank y’all so much for stopping by today! I hope this post was helpful to some of you! šŸ™‚ And I hope you have a very rich Easter season filled with life and love and fun and adoration for the sacrifice made by our Savior! šŸ™‚

Lots and lots of Xs and Os!

Many thanks to Row 10 Baby for supporting this post. Love this store so very much!

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