I recently got to be a part of a team that decorated for back to school at my daughter’s school, and we had so much fun with this particular installation, that I wanted to share a little more about it!
Our theme was POP ART, so we decided we would “wallpaper” two entire walls with Warhol-esque horses (inspired by the Warhol cow shown below! Also, horses are the school mascot), but we quickly learned that (1) Office Depot wanted to charge way too much to print off a bunch of black and white horse heads for us to paint for this and (2) hanging these things straight was going to be HARD.
THANKFULLY, a friend of a friend, Dallas with Micro Printing in Jackson, came in at a sixth of the price of Office Depot and got us 40 three foot by four foot black and white horse heads for us to paint.
We picked our color palette based off of the image with all of the mislabeled items shown above then got to painting the horses with watered down acrylic paint! The paint warped the squareness of the paper ever-so-slightly, which added to the challenge of hanging everyone straight, but we made it work! The painting did take a while, but there were several of us working on it, and it was SO soothing! 🙂
We got all of our beautiful horses hung, which took three of us several hours to do, but goodness are we pleased with the results!! They turned out looking so cool and they’re such a fun greeting for the kids (and adults!) walking into the school!
If you’re getting back in the swing of things like we are, I hope it’s a good transition for you and that your littles have a great start to the school year!
Thank you for stopping in today! Means the world! 🙂 XO!