Silver (well, actually, YELLOW) Linings

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have already seen this, but since these little yellow flowers are still hanging on (yet not quite so vibrantly with the cooler temps), I wanted to share. It’s rained twice, I believe, since I posted this. Beauty is wherever you look for it!

Here’s the post:

So we live on a lake, and a week or so ago I noticed these pretty yellow flowers growing right next to our lake. I’ve never noticed them before in years past, so I asked Price about them. He said the lake has never been this low before so they’ve never been able to grow. But this year, because of the drought, they have had room to grow because of the lower water levels. And it made me think… Even when things are kind of crappy, or not going our way, beautiful things are still happening! There are gorgeous yellow flowers growing in a drought. Growing *because* of the drought, actually!

The blessing of a full lake in years past has made these pretties unable to grow. But this year, here they are! 🥰 

Lots of God winks in this visual for me. These flowers bring me lots of perspective. I hope they do for you, too! 

God is good ALL THE TIME! 🌼


  1. Terry Jones (sister of Valerie Evans) November 28, 2023 / 8:06 am

    What a beautiful testimony to the goodness of our God! So many times our focus is on the problems rather than the blessings that are in them! God is faithful to always remind us that we are not alone…..He is right there with us, growing little yellow flowers to encourage us! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Grandmary November 28, 2023 / 10:10 am

    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL❣️❣️❣️

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