We’ve finally had a few cool days mixed into our Mississippi weather here lately! It’s so refreshing! It’s been a good opportunity to pull out a few slightly heavier wardrobe items to play with! One piece I just got that I’ve been excited to wear is this cropped sweater with billowy sleeves! It’s an angora blend so it’s super duper soft and cozy! It was easy to throw on with some high waisted shorts, fleece tights, boots, and a light jacket!
// sweater c/o Stylewe // similar shorts // similar tights // similar jacket // purse from here // necklace with similar vibes // similar earrings // fun to-go coffee cups //
So what all did y’all get into this weekend? I’d say the biggest thing for us was Wilson’s second birthday party!! Today is actually his birthday, so we celebrated with our fun families last night. Yesterday was also my niece Sybil’s baby dedication at our church, which was so sweet. She looked super precious, and I just love the idea of parents taking a pledge in front of the whole church to raise their babies in the way of the Lord. I don’t know about y’all, but I’m much more apt to follow through with a promise I make in front of hundreds of people! The church also pledges to do their part in raising the baby up in the way of the Lord as well. It’s good stuff all around, and so so so very important to teach your kids from the youngest age possible about the hope and the promises we have in Jesus! So thankful to be a part of a church that takes family growth so seriously! 🙂
I hope to get an overview of Wilson’s party up this week! I’d also love to get the second half of our Cali trip, the kids’ rooms decorated for Christmas, and a fun cocktail recipe up this week as well! I’m dreaming big! We’ll see what happens! 🙂
I hope y’all are enjoying the intermittent sweater weather! Hopefully this week, Mississippi will give us several opportunities to wear sweaters while also giving us a little sunshine!
Thank y’all so much for dropping in today. It means so much to me!!! Y’all are the bomb.
Such a cute sweater! I love it. Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Happy Birthday Wilson!
Thanks girl!! Yes, it was crazy busy, but fun!! And Wilson says thanks! 😉