Those Who Speak – January 8th!

Happy New Year, friends!!

I apologize for my long holiday hiatus, but boy have I enjoyed disconnecting for just a little bit! I really have missed blogging, though, so I’m planning to pick back up for the next few weeks until baby girl makes her appearance!

Something coming up that I wanted to remind you ladies of– The next Those Who Speak is Friday, January 8th at my house! If you (or someone you know) has experienced difficulty in getting pregnant, staying pregnant, or if you’ve lost an infant at a very young age, this support group is for you! It’s very laid back and there is no pressure to talk if you’re more interested in just coming to listen/observe.

Those Who Speak / January 8, 2016

I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have! Just shoot me an email (which you can do via the social icons on the sidebar) and I’ll do my best to answer! ALSO– don’t forget– we’ll have some food and drinks for ya as well! šŸ™‚

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope you have a great week!!

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