Cookie Cake!

One of my favorite things about blogging is getting to share little “wins” with you! I experienced a somewhat accidental win when I ended up having to make a cookie cake for Wilson’s tee ball end-of-season party last weekend. Now I’m so glad about how it worked out!

I “had to” make it because of my own procrastination and laziness. I was going to call Great American Cookie Company and get them to do one for me, but I waited too late to place a custom order. Then I realized, I rrrrealllly don’t want to have to drive all the way to the mall to pick the thing up anyway. It would take less time to make one than to drive all that way, and it would be cheaper for me to do it myself.

So I googled cookie cake recipes and landed on this one. It worked out PERFECTLY! I doubled the recipe, used an 18″ pizza pan, and we ended up with a delicious cookie cake! This makes a dough slightly different from regular cookie dough, so I definitely recommend making it like this recipe says rather than trying to use regular cookie dough. And rather than doing one big ball of cookie dough in the center, I dolloped little spoonfuls all over the tray/pan, so when they spread out, they formed one large, even cookie rather than having any one spot too thick.

SO, if you are feeling like avoiding Northpark Mall and making your own cookie cake, I recommend doing this method! šŸ™‚ I think you’ll be pleased with the result!

Here’s our cute little team we got to celebrate. I really enjoyed watching this sweet little pirates and those patient daddies/coaches this season!

Those two right there ^^ are my personal faves <3

I hope you have had a great week šŸ™‚ You are amazing!!! Thank you for stopping by!


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