I need help!

Help me please! :)
Help me please! :)

Can I ask a favor of you? It’s hard for me to ask for help because I can be stubborn and prideful haha (enneagram two over here!) BUT here’s my ask… If you don’t already, would you please go follow me on Instagram? I’m almost to 10,000 followers and have a really fun celebration planned once I hit the 10K mark! Since my blog friends hold an extra special place in my heart, I’ll give y’all a heads up on what the celebration is… I haven’t told Instagram yet! haha but I’m doing ten days of REALLY GOOD giveaways! Think gift cards to great restaurants… boutiques… there might even be a massage in the mix… And I’m also trying to think outside of the box for one or two of the prizes… I’m still working on lining everything up. But I can assure you of this– it’s gonna be GOOD!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help in getting me there! I’m not launching day one until that 10K is hit! šŸ™‚ Click here to get to my Instagram page!

You being here means so much to me! Thank you for letting me ask you for help… I appreciate you SO MUCH!! Have a blessed day and don’t forget to enjoy all the little things! šŸ™‚


(( photos by the amazing Lindsay Ott! ))


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