Our life group did a little trunk or treat over the weekend and I had so much fun with our trunk that I wanted to share! So I have been seeing these disco ball shirts all over instagram and Pinterest, and they gave me the idea to turn that same concept into a trunk!
How cute are all of these?! They’re based off of Psalm 30:11 — “You have turned my mourning into dancing.” I just love them!
Anyway, here is our full trunk!

The kids helped me blow up the balloons with straws (because all of these were the kind you can’t use an air pump for) and we stuffed them all in the back! And because our car has an outlet in it, we were able to plug in some colored lights as well! Lily Ryan and a friend of hers colored the disco ball on our little hand-drawn foam core poster. Here are links to our balloons and our actual disco ball 🙂
And during trunk or treat, we had some fun dance music playing!
I hope you’re having a great week! Thanks so much for being here! XO!